Crown Royal and Diet Dr Pepper

Avalanche recipe

1 shot Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1 shot Kahlua® coffee liqueur
fill with cream

Mix in highball glass over ice, shake well.

8% (16 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Cherry Bomb #6 recipe

1 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
8 oz can Red Bull® energy drink

Pour the Crown Royal Canadian Whisky into a glass filled with a can of Red Bull, and serve.

4% (8 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Cotton Mouth recipe

2 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
3 oz peach schnapps
1 splash sweet and sour mix
1 splash water

Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a glass full of ice.

28% (56 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Crime Loyal recipe

1 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
5 - 6 oz limeade

Stir ingredients together in a highball glass filled with ice cubes, and serve.

6% (12 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Crown & Ginger recipe

1 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
5 oz ginger ale

Pour both ingredients into a highball glass filled with ice cubes, stir and serve.

6% (12 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Douchebag recipe

4 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1 splash Coca-Cola®

Stir ingredients together in a glass and serve.

38% (76 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Dr. Crown recipe

2 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1 can Dr. Pepper® soda

Add 2 shots of Crown Royal to a highball glass then add Dr. Pepper and ice. Enjoy!

5% (10 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Everhart recipe

1 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1 oz Amaretto Di Saronno® liqueur
2 oz Coca-Cola®

Build over ice in a highball glass.

17% (34 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Gremlin recipe

6 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
3 oz Rose's® lime juice
2 cups ice

Into a mason jar filled with cracked ice, pour 6 oz Canadian Whisky and 3 oz Sweetened lime juice. Stir with a fork.

26% (52 proof)

Serve in: Mason Jar

Hairy Ass recipe

2 oz Yukon Jack® Canadian whisky
2 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1 oz peach schnapps
3 oz Dr. Pepper® soda

Pour the liquors into a blender with one cup of crushed ice. Blend well, and pour into a collins glass. Top with soda, and serve.

25% (50 proof)

Serve in: Collins Glass

Hendershlager recipe

1 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1 oz Jagermeister® herbal liqueur
1 oz Goldschlager® cinnamon schnapps
6 oz Red Bull® energy drink

Pour over ice in a highball glass, and serve.

13% (26 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Johnny on the Spot recipe

1 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1/2 oz amaretto almond liqueur
1/2 oz peach schnapps
12 oz pineapple juice

Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a collins glass, and serve.

4% (8 proof)

Serve in: Collins Glass

Kevin's Special Blend recipe

2 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1 1/2 tsp iced tea
12 oz cold water

Put iced tea mix into a glass and fill about half full of water. Add rye whiskey, then fill remainder of glass with water. Stir. Add ice cubes. The colder this drink is, the better.

5% (10 proof)

Serve in: Collins Glass

Kodiak Sled Dog recipe

1 oz Bailey's® Irish cream
1 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1 oz Frangelico® hazelnut liqueur
1 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur
3 splashes milk
2 handfuls ice

Blend everything to a milkshake consistency. Makes one serving.

13% (26 proof)

Serve in: Hurricane Glass

Panty Thief recipe

2 oz Everclear® alcohol
2 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
2 oz Jagermeister® herbal liqueur
6 oz 7-Up® soda

Mix all ingredients well.

28% (56 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Pink Inside recipe

1 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1 oz DeKuyper® Watermelon Pucker schnapps
3 oz sweet and sour mix

Shake and pour over ice. Tastes exactly like a Jolly Rancher.

11% (22 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Red Frog recipe

1 oz Chambord® raspberry liqueur
1 oz amaretto almond liqueur
1 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
2 oz cranberry juice

Shake with ice and strain into a highball glass with ice.

16% (32 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Rock Lobster recipe

1 shot DeKuyper® Razzmatazz liqueur
1 shot Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
2 oz cranberry juice

Pour razzmatazz and crown royal into an ice-filled glass. Fill with cranberry juice, and serve.

14% (28 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Royal Assassin recipe

1 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1 oz Wild Turkey® bourbon whiskey
2 oz pineapple juice
8 oz Sprite® soda

Combine in a highball glass.

6% (12 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Royal Caribbean Fuck recipe

3/4 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
3/4 oz amaretto almond liqueur
3/4 oz Chambord® raspberry liqueur
1 splash cranberry juice
1 splash pineapple juice

Pour ingredients into a shaker over, shake well, and strain into a highball glass.

25% (50 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Royal Crown Royal recipe

1 shot Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
Royal Crown® cola

Pour whiskey into a highball glass half-filled with ice cubes. Add cola, stir, and serve.

Serve in: Highball Glass

Royal Peaches and Cream recipe

1 1/2 oz DeKuyper® Peachtree schnapps
1/2 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1/2 oz Cointreau® orange liqueur
1 1/2 oz heavy cream
2 scoops vanilla ice cream

Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth and no chunks of ice are present. Pour into a mason jar and garnish with a fresh slice of peach, if desired.

6% (12 proof)

Serve in: Mason Jar

Royal Sour Kiss recipe

1/2 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1 oz DeKuyper® Sour Apple Pucker schnapps
1 splash lime juice
12 oz Sprite® soda
1 lime wedge

Mix Crown Royal, lime juice, Sour Apple Pucker. Fill glass with Sprite. Garnish with lime wedge.

2% (4 proof)

Serve in: Collins Glass

Sour Apple #2 recipe

3/4 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1/4 oz melon liqueur
1/2 oz sweet and sour mix

Place ingredients in mixing cup with ice, shake, strain into glass.

24% (48 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

The Drink Of Champions recipe

2 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
Dr. Pepper® soda

Pour Crown Royal into beer mug. Fill with chilled Dr. Pepper or add ice cubes before pouring. Stir gently.

Serve in: Beer Mug

Washington Apple Cocktail recipe

2 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
2 oz DeKuyper® Sour Apple Pucker schnapps
2 oz cranberry juice

Pour DeKuyper sour apple pucker and Crown Royal canadian whisky into a highball glass filled with ice. Add cranberry juice, more to taste if desired, and serve.

18% (36 proof)

Serve in: Highball Glass

Crown Royal and Diet Dr Pepper


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